The China Association for Science and Technology has issued a guideline for the organization of international science and technology conferences in 2019, including 55 topics on sustainable development, frontier sciences, innovations, and the administration of advanced technologies.
Included in this list are food security, renewable energy, advanced materials, fundamental science, and artificial intelligence. China will also host the 18-19 September 2023 World Conference on Science Literacy.

China Association for Science and Technology publishes conference guidelines.
Mu Rongping, director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Center for Innovation and Development, stated that international scientific conferences are platforms for promoting academic exchanges and cooperation, allowing scientists to reach consensus, share ideas, and address common issues.
According to him, the guide functions as a reference for scientists and policymakers investigating the most recent trends and emergent topics in science and technology.
He Wei, deputy director general of the Department of International Affairs of the China Association for Science and Technology, stated that facilitating academic exchanges and cooperation is one of CAST’s primary functions.
She stated that international conferences are forums for exchanging the most recent ideas and academic accomplishments, fostering mutual trust and collaboration among the global scientific community, and contributing to the global governance of science and technology.