The CEO of ChatGPT manufacturer OpenAI stated on Monday that he was “quite optimistic” about the prospects for global coordination on artificial intelligence (AI) after a tour of capital cities.
Microsoft Corp.-backed startup’s public face has been on a whirlwind tour to capitalize on interest in generative AI and exert influence on the regulation of the emerging technology.
Sam Altman told students in Tokyo, “I began the trip with skepticism that it would be possible in the near future to obtain global cooperation to reduce existential risk, but I am now concluding the trip feeling quite optimistic that we will succeed.”
Regulators are scurrying to adapt existing rules and establish new guidelines to govern the use of generative AI, which can generate text and images and has the potential to reshape a vast array of industries.

The European Union is moving forward with its proposed AI Act, which is expected to become law this year, whereas the United States is gravitating toward adapting existing AI statutes rather than creating new ones.
Altman visited Japan in April to discuss opening a local office with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
Monday, Altman stated, without elaboration, that “all of the conversations have advanced quite well.”
Japan is viewed as a delinquent in the types of AI services that are presently generating consumer enthusiasm, despite the fact that its manufacturing titans are investing in automation technology.
Altman stated, “There is a long history of humans and machines cooperating here.”
Altman will travel to Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia prior to returning to the United States.